
Who am i

As everyone, i’m still trying to figure out this answer but for now, i’m Matthew, a self-taught web developer currently living in Brazil, big fan of open source world and the Clojure language.

My journey into programming

I started my journey around 3 years ago (January of 2017), simply because i had a lot of interest in learning more about tech. Deeply fell in love with programming specially for the web.

In 2018 i discovered functional programming and Lisp by reading HTDP. I had found a language that i loved and i was excited to use it professionally, turns out that the practical modern lisp was: Clojure!

This year (2019) i dedicated full time to learn clojure and back-end for the web.

I’m here to share my knowledge and my journey with everyone!


The fastest way to get in touch with me is via Telegram: @crytek

Other ways of contacting me:
Email: matthewlisp@gmail.com
Twitter: @MatthewLisp